The Problem is Choice!

Cycles, Library and Tiffany

By the-problem-is-choice

Day: Tuesday 30-09-2008

Time: 15:30

it was like any other day, lazy morons me and nikhil headed for a coffee at tiffany!
While exiting the BSB entrance my eyes spotted something pleasant in a green dress :) and on closer inspection I realized this is what I had seen in hajaar pics sent by vijay over the past few days!
Me: Arre Yaar!!! Dekh....!
Nikhil: Haan Haan, pata hai, vijay ki nayi chamiya!
Me: Call laga vijay ko
Nikhil: Tu laga

the girl (GREEN) and a plain/old looking guy (BLACK) were cycling "real slow" and I guess they were probably heading for tea!!! I call vijay while clumsily trying to unlock my cycle with my other hand...

Vijay: en maga
Me: Maga, your maal has just now passed in front of BSB and I guess she's going to tiffany!
VIjay: OH HOWDA MAGA? (voice distinctly louder than the previous "en maga")
Me: Hurry you %$#@*&% there is already one guy with her, and they are cycling real slow so reach tiffany NOW! me and nikhil will follow them!
VIjay: OK MAGA BANDE! (voice even more louder this time)

meanwhile the slow cycling competition had moved closer to MSB, with me and nikhil following them. After MSB nikhil got bored with the sloooooow cycling and just moved ahead.. while I continued following. This went on till acad block, (probly three minutes had passed at that speed). At this point I called vijay again,

Me: where the hell are you?
Vijay: maga, coming towards library from CLT side
Me: they are exiting acad block now! can you see them?
Vijay: Green Dress?
Me: Yeah!
(at this point I see vijay in the distance, and his glee is visible even at that distance!)
Vijay: yeah! its HER! (glee in the voice too!) !
Me: {thinking, god bless the souls who created GSM}

In front of the library the pair park their cycles, and head into the library. Vijay hurriedly follows from a safe distance, me and nikhil (jobless and curious as we are) follow with him.
Once inside the library the pair head straight to the ground floor reference section, we tried our best to be looking for a book not look suspicous. At the reference section they picked a book in no time and headed towards a isolated corner to "study". We picked a random book and sat two tables away from them. All the while the cleaning lady had been looking at us with suspicion :)
After bit of peaking we discovered they werernt reading the book they had picked! it was just light conversation...!

Vijay: Why are they not reading the book?
Nikhil: Is this guy her brother?
Vijay: No, thats another guy.
Me: Oh you know him too...
Vijay: yeah, have seen, but I dont know who this b***i maga is... he looks so old and black and ugly!
Nikhil: {more colorful description of the guy's ugliness which cant be typed here}

the pair continued their (what looked like ) pleasant conversation, meanwhile nikhil pretended to look for books in the rack that was close to their table and returned.

Nikhil: pradeshik bhasha me baat kar rahe hai
Vijay: must be malayalam, then I guess the guy is a mallu... #@%$^&^
Nikhil: they are speaking like couples speak...
Vijay: that @$%%$ lets beat him up!

then they abruptly got up and headed towards the table, and we had to pretend in a jiffy to be studying! We decided not to follow immediately as we thought they had already grown suspicious. Instead we went to their table and saw that the book they had picked was "biochemistry" now what would a civil engineering grad student do with that book? clearly they had pretended to pick a book and study! The question then is what was the need to pretend?

As she exited the library the guy had disappeared...!!!! may be he stayed inside the library, or he went much ahead of her. whatever it was but her brother was waiting for her at the library gate. This IS suspicious, why did the guy have to avoid her brother?

The girl started chatting wih her brother, and since she still hadn't had her tea we figured her next stop will be tiffany. We hurry to tiffany order three cups and we wait... and wait... and wait for 20 minutes!
The siblings kept discussing on the path leading from tiffany to sharavathi. By this time vijay had had enough, and started to leave. As we were unlocking our cycles in front of the library, the two siblings were joined by one more girl (possibly the sister) and all three went into tiffany!!!

Me: maga! che! JUST MISS
Vijay: $%@^*%$ @$###
Me: shall we go back?
VIjay: let it be man... lets just leave

As we were leaving shyam sent an sms asking me to come to guru. At gurunath we narrated the entire thing to shyam. By the way shyam had been rendered dumb (as in he cant speak) by a mouth infection.

Nikhil: VIjay ki maal already committed hai
Shyam: [silent, merely looks at vijay]
Vijay: yeah even I think so!

Shyam pulls out his mobile and types this on his sms tool "IT HAPPENS TO HIM EVERYTIME" Vijay laughs and lets out worse swear words...

will vijay get an intro..?
Can vijay get rid of this new ghenda (who by the way is only one of the 6 contenders)
will this vijay succeed this time?
Watch this space for more....


Along NH48

By the-problem-is-choice

Along NH48 towards Bangalore in a 1999 Maruti800


The Best Poem (I've read)

By the-problem-is-choice

Get Drunk !!!

One should always be drunk. That's all that matters;
that's our one imperative need. So as not to feel Time's
horrible fardel which breaks your shoulders and bows
you down to the ground, you must get drunk without cease.

But with what?
With wine, poetry, or virtue
as you please.
But get drunk.

And if, at some time, on steps of a palace,
in the green grass of a ditch,
in the bleak solitude of your room,
you are waking and the drunkenness has already gone and disappearing
ask the wind, the wave, the stars, the clock,
all that which flees,
all that which groans,
all that which rolls,
all that which sings,
all that which speaks,
ask them, what time it is;
and the wind, the wave, the stars, the birds, and the clock,
they will all reply:

"It is time to get drunk!

So that you may not be the martyred slaves of Time,
get drunk, get drunk,
and never pause for rest!
With wine, poetry, or virtue,
as you please!"
-- Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)
Original French Poem

Il faut être toujours ivre.
Tout est là:
c'est l'unique question.
Pour ne pas sentir
l'horrible fardeau du Temps
qui brise vos épaules
et vous penche vers la terre,
il faut vous enivrer sans trêve.
Mais de quoi?
De vin, de poésie, ou de vertu, à votre guise.
Mais enivrez-vous.
Et si quelquefois,
sur les marches d'un palais,
sur l'herbe verte d'un fossé,
dans la solitude morne de votre chambre,
vous vous réveillez,
l'ivresse déjà diminuée ou disparue,
demandez au vent,
à la vague,
à l'étoile,
à l'oiseau,
à l'horloge,
à tout ce qui fuit,
à tout ce qui gémit,
à tout ce qui roule,
à tout ce qui chante,
à tout ce qui parle,
demandez quelle heure il est;
et le vent,
la vague,
vous répondront:
"Il est l'heure de s'enivrer!
Pour n'être pas les esclaves martyrisés du Temps,
enivrez-vous sans cesse!
De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise." -- Charles Baudelaire